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Do More 24 Delaware 2022

  • Mar. 3rd 2022
  • Mar. 4th 2022


As proud Delawareans we are thrilled to share that we'll be participating in a monumental statewide campaign this March 3rd-4th.

With fewer foundations, smaller grants and formerly localized investments now leaving the state, the impact of individuals like you is more important than ever in ensuring that the Smyrna Opera House can continue to offer affordable access to the arts and varied cultural and artistic experiences to people of all ages and backgrounds. 

Can you imagine what life would be like for Kent county residents if the work we do stopped tomorrow?  The community you care about relies on your support to keep the arts alive and thriving. 

And it's not just our work that makes Delaware a great place to call home.  Even in our small state, there are more than 5,000 nonprofits working each day to provide education, culture, health care, shelter, a quality environment and more. 

But the future of the work we do is not at all assured.

We must do more!  We must work together to ensure the continuation of the critical services that make Delaware safe, special and sustainable for future generations.

For 24 hours from 6 p.m. March 3rd through 6 p.m. March 4th we're asking you to do more with us.  Please give to Do More 24 Delaware.

Thank you in advance for your support.